1) Login to the Symantec Endpoint Protection Cloud dashboard at https://securitycloud.symantec.com/cc/#/landing
2) Click on the ‘Policies’ button located on the left hand side of the dashboard.
3) Click on the + sign and select Create Security Policy.
4) Rename the policy and then select the following options from the Device Protection menu:
a) Let user temporarily disable file scanning
b) Let user temporarily disable file reputation assessment
c) Let user temporarily disable application behavior monitoring
5) Scroll down and select Add Folder from the Folder Exclusions menu. Add the exclusion path for the software which can be found in the dashboard under Settings > Account Information > Paths to Exclude for Anti-virus software, or via the popup window after selecting to download the installer file. Important Note: The path excluded in this example will be different then the path you must exclude for your account as this folder is randomized. Please use the path located in your account.
6) Click on Save Policy and then Apply to Group. Apply the new policy to the group of users who will have installed on their devices and click Confirm.
7) On the target device, go to the system tray in the bottom right corner and right click the Symantec icon. Right click and select Open Symantec Endpoint Protection Cloud. Click on Advanced. Turn Auto-Protect OFF and on the following popup select 1 hour for the duration. This will insure that Symantec does not delete the installer or any critical files needed for our software.

8) Download the installer from the dashboard and proceed with the installation.
Note: You can change the security policy settings after our software is installed. Just make sure that the install file path is excluded when making these changes, otherwise this may affect functionality