How to set Antivirus Exclusions for Trend Micro AV on PC

  1. Locate the icon for Trend Micro Antivirus+ in the bottom right corner of the screen. Then, right click and uncheck ‘Protection Against Viruses and Spyware’. A small popup will show up; select ‘Disable until resetart’ click ‘OK.
  1. Log in to the web console to access the installation files. Follow the instructions and complete the installation. DO NOT REBOOT THE COMPUTER UPON FINISHING THE INSTALLATION.
  1. Right click the Trend Micro Antivirus+ icon again and select ‘Open the Main Console’ to open the main menu. On the right hand side of the scan button should be a tiny gear labeled ‘Settings’, click it.
  1. On the left hand side of the window should be a list of options; select ‘Exceptions Lists’. Then, click ‘Add’ and locate the installation folder, which can be found in the dashboard under Settings > Account Information > Paths to Exclude for Anti-virus software, or via the popup window after selecting to download the installer file. Important Note: The path excluded in this example will be different then the path you must exclude for your account as this folder is randomized. Please use the path located in your account.
       5. Reboot the computer to complete the installation.