WebWatcher Desktop app install for PC

Before downloading WebWatcher Desktop App for PC, please have the following in hand:

 Child iOS device (iPhone/iPad)

 A USB cable (same as used for charging)

 A Windows PC Computer
(this computer must be on the same wifi network as the phone when you request a backup)

Click here to watch the YouTube tutorial!

1. Go login.webwatcher.com and sign into your WebWatcher account.


2. From your available devices, select "Install iPhone/iPad".

3. Please click the Live Chat button below and we will set everything up for you remotely. Or to install manually, click on "PC Download" (from a PC only).

4. Click "Keep" and then on the file called "WWDesktopApp.msi".

5. Click "Next" on the next three pages. Then, click "Close" when finished

6. On the WebWatcher App, click "Let's get started"

7. Read the instructions and click on the "I'm Ready, Let's do this!" button when ready

iMazing Installation

When installed on iOS devices, our product requires the installation of iMazing. iMazing is an iOS device manager by DigiDNA which performs automatic backups of iOS devices to your computer. Downloading and setting up iMazing for use with WebWatcher can be done free of charge.

8. Double click the iMazing logo and select "Keep" in the bottom left corner of your browser. Open the file


9. Click "Next", accept the terms and then click "Next", Click "Next" twice more, then click "Install". Close the window by clicking "Finish"


10. Connect the child device you wish to monitor to your PC. Then tap "Trust" on the child device and enter your password if needed.


11. Click "Backup Now"


12. On the Options screen select Change to the right of Automatic Backups.

13. Under Backup Schedule, select Daily. We recommend selecting Daily for automatic backups and select the desired time-frame. It's a good idea to select a time when the phone is likely at home and connected to the WiFi network. Then select "Back Up" to backup the device. 

14. After the backup is finished downloading, click on the "Close Window" button


After you complete your evaluation of WebWatcher you may find that you want to use the full suite of iMazing’s Premium features, which requires a paid license. These features, which go beyond what our application uses, include: unlimited exports of photos, saving texts with attachments, assistance for re-installation, and more. Please use the iMazing app to acquire a license.

15. Close the window and go back to the instructions. Click on the button that says "Great, Let's set up WebWatcher!". Then, click "Open WebWatcher"


16. Enter your WebWatcher account info and then click on "Get Started". Then, click on "Close"


 Within 1 hour login to your login.webwatcher.com account to view new data.


I get this message every time I try to request data from imazing.
The website isn't secure and none of the addresses I've been provided change this. What is the url of the page directing to when the data is retrieved?

Lia Heltzen (6/12/2023 at 9:52 PM)
How do I get it on my IPHONE. I only have it on my computer. Suppose to be 24/7 support but nobody is there and I already paid for the year.
Gary and Eve (7/6/2024 at 5:56 PM)